Unit 50 Board of Education
Email Address: unit50board@ttown.k12.il.us

The Board meets monthly for regularly scheduled meetings which are listed on this web page. Other special meeting dates may be required to conduct the business of the district. Board meetings are held in the Unit Office conference room, one the east end of the High School Gymnasium at 801 W. Main, beginning at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted.
CURRENT SEATS (Effective May 1, 2023)
Member | Range | Last Election | Term Length |
Courtney Tegeler - President | 8N-6E Teutopolis-Douglas South | April 2021 | 4 yr |
Erin Ordner - Vice President | 8N-7E St Francis | April 2021 | 4 yr |
Chandler Hewing - Secretary | 9N-7E Springpoint | April 2023 | 4 yr |
Kari Thompson | 8N-6E Teutopolis-Douglas South | April 2023 | 2 yr unexpired |
Paul Hardiek | 8N-6E Teutopolis-Douglas South | April 2023 | 4 yr |
Laura Hemmen | 9N-7E Springpoint | April 2023 | 4 yr |
Adam Hoene | 7N-7E Bishop | April 2023 | 4 yr |
Section 105 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes Section 5, Article 10-10.5(a), requires elections to the school board of a community unit school district to not exceed 3 board members from any one congressional township.
Territorial Range Townships/Voting District: | Voting Precincts: |
8N-6E Teutopolis-Douglas South | Douglas 2 & 3, Teutopolis 1, 2 & 3 |
7N-7E Bishop | Bishop |
9N-6E Douglas North-Sec 13, Sigel | Douglas 1 |
9N-7E Springpoint | Springpoint |
8N-7E St Francis | St. Francis |
10N-6E Sigel North-Big Spring | Sigel, Big Spring |
7N-6E Watson | Watson 3 |
9N-5E Banner | Banner |
The Board of Education desires that its individual members learn, understand, and practice effective governance principles. The Board is responsible for Board member orientation and development. Board members have an opportunity to attend region and state meetings designed to familiarize members with public school issues, governance, and legislation.
Professional Association Membership: The Board is a member of the Illinois Association of School Boards. This voluntary organization is dedicated to strengthening the public school board through local citizen control, through policy recommendations, professional development, and state advocacy.
Mandatory Board Member Training: Each Board Member is responsible for his or her own compliance with the mandatory training laws that are described below:
Each Board member elected or appointed to fill a vacancy of at least one year's duration must complete at least four hours of professional development leadership training in education and labor law, financial oversight and accountability, and fiduciary responsibilities within the first year of his or her term.
Each Board member must complete training on the Open Meetings Act no later than 90 days after taking the oath of office for the first time. After completing the training, each Board member must file a copy of the certificate of completion with the Board. Training on the Open Meetings Act is only required once.
Each Board member must complete a training program on evaluations under the Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) before participating in a vote on a tenured teacher's dismissal using the optional alternative evaluation dismissal process.
Board Self Evaluation: The Board will conduct periodic self-evaluations with the goal of continuous improvement.
School board members are elected to sit in trust for their diverse communities, and in that capacity are charged with meeting the community’s expectations and aspirations for the public education of their children.
They are entrusted with the guardianship and wise expenditure of scarce tax dollars, and they are responsible for maintaining and preserving the buildings, grounds, and other areas of the school district that the community has put in their trust.
They are responsible for providing leadership that ensures a clear, shared vision of public education for their schools, that sets high standards for the education of all students, and requires the effective and efficient operation of their districts.
School board members adopt public policy to give voice to that leadership and employ a superintendent to administer said policy and to monitor the district's performance and compliance.
Our school board members selflessly volunteer countless hours to public service with no compensation. We honor those citizens who devote their time and energy for the successful education of our children by maintaining this Board Member History. Thank you for all that you have done, and do, for our Wooden Shoe student body and staff.