Unit #50 Seeks Board Member Applications
Applications are being accepted to fill the open seat on the Teutopolis Unit 50 Board of Education. This seat will expire in April of 2021. According to Illinois state law a school board member must be a United States citizen, at least 18 years of age, a resident of Illinois and the Teutopolis Unit #50 School District for at least one year, and a registered voter. Since there are already three Board members who live in Teutopolis township, applicants cannot live in Teutopolis township.
Letters of application should be mailed to Bill Fritcher, Superintendent, or dropped off at the Unit #50 Board Office at 801 W. Main Street, PO Box 607, Teutopolis, IL 62467. Applicants should consider including contact information and qualifications relevant to the office and why he/she wants to be a member of the Board of Education. Deadline for applications is May 9, 2019 at 3:30 PM.