Election Deadlines

Certificate of Ballot

The Certificate of Ballot is provided by the Effingham County Clerk for the April 1 School Board Member election.

About School Board Elections

School board elections are held during the Consolidated Election on the first Tuesday in April of each odd-numbered year. Governing school boards consist of seven members elected to serve four year terms. Terms are staggered so there are three or four seats contested at each biennial election, with the election authority as the county clerk.

Interested In School Board Service?

Consider the following points on school board service: qualifications, the "job" description, reasons for serving, characteristics of effective school board members, and preparation for service on the school board.

The next consolidated election will be held April 1, 2025.

How to Navigate Running for School Board

A series of webinars is scheduled for candidates running for local school boards in 2025. All candidate webinars will be livestreamed at noon on the dates listed below (no registration necessary). https://www.iasb.com/livestream/

September 12 – Petition Circulation

October 17 – The Statement of Economic Interests

November 14 – Petition Filing

December 5 – Understanding the Board Member’s Role