Fourth graders love science!

Boy's golf dropped a match to Salem last nite. Dylan Buenker43 Jonathan Herd 43 Carter Jansen 45 and Michael Deters 45 were top 4 #ShoesOn3

TGS fourth graders practice using the scientific tools they've been learning about in science class.

Congrats to Alex Probst and Jason (alex) Kowalski for making ALL TNY Team at the Red and Gold Soccer tny this past weekend #ShoesOn3

Lisa Zumbahlen from Effingham County Partners for Ag Literacy along with Effingham County Extension provided all 4 kindergarten classes with Buttlerfly kits.

Girls Golf defeats Hillsboro Hoene 43 Thoele 49 Bushue 51 Will 52 Niebrugge 55 Vogt 59 Koester 62

Boy's CD finish 4th Noah Probst 5th 17:03 Schumacher8th Weidner19th Mette21st Deters28th Schmidt32nd Waldhoff39th Tabbert-Probst-Kitten

Congrats Girl's XC for 2nd place finish at Paris Weichman 5th 19:52 Mette10th Runde11th Habing15th Vogt18th McWhorter26th Bressendorf27th

North Clay defeats Dietrich 7-3. STA vs Ttown starting in a few minutes for the Championship of the Wooden Bat Tny #ShoesOn3

Shout out to the grounds crew esp the DADS beteeen games @ Wooden Bat Tny

Shoes over North Clay 13-0 and STA over Dietrich 11-0 this morning. NC vs Dietrich for 3rd @1 and TTOWN vs STA for Champ @3 #ShoesOn3

Lots of baseball action in town today - Wooden Bat tourney at THS and two games at TJHS going on right now.

Wooden Bat Tny this Saturday Ttown vs North Clay @9 STA vs Dieterich @11 3rd place @1 Championship @3

Baseball defeated Neoga last nite to improve to 2-1 Colin Funneman with the win.

Girl's Golf defeated Mt. Zion last nite Magee 49 Hoene 54 Thoele 55 Niebrugge 57 Vogt 60 and Bishue 63 #ShoesOn3

Congrats to Volleyball defeating Salem last night to open the season 1-0 #ShoesOn3

“Fall Sports Picture Day is Wednesday, August 30th paperwork has been handed out to all athletes”

Mrs. Kreke's students love feeding Penny!

The newest POPULAR student in 5th Grade! Penny!

6th Graders use teamwork to label their continents and oceans. Great Class!