Fourth graders love science!
over 7 years ago, Angela Sheehan
Boy's golf dropped a match to Salem last nite. Dylan Buenker43 Jonathan Herd 43 Carter Jansen 45 and Michael Deters 45 were top 4 #ShoesOn3
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
TGS fourth graders practice using the scientific tools they've been learning about in science class.
over 7 years ago, Angela Sheehan
Congrats to Alex Probst and Jason (alex) Kowalski for making ALL TNY Team at the Red and Gold Soccer tny this past weekend #ShoesOn3
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Lisa Zumbahlen from Effingham County Partners for Ag Literacy along with Effingham County Extension provided all 4 kindergarten classes with Buttlerfly kits.
over 7 years ago, Angela Sheehan
Girls Golf defeats Hillsboro Hoene 43 Thoele 49 Bushue 51 Will 52 Niebrugge 55 Vogt 59 Koester 62
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Boy's CD finish 4th Noah Probst 5th 17:03 Schumacher8th Weidner19th Mette21st Deters28th Schmidt32nd Waldhoff39th Tabbert-Probst-Kitten
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Congrats Girl's XC for 2nd place finish at Paris Weichman 5th 19:52 Mette10th Runde11th Habing15th Vogt18th McWhorter26th Bressendorf27th
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
North Clay defeats Dietrich 7-3. STA vs Ttown starting in a few minutes for the Championship of the Wooden Bat Tny #ShoesOn3
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Shout out to the grounds crew esp the DADS beteeen games @ Wooden Bat Tny
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Shoes over North Clay 13-0 and STA over Dietrich 11-0 this morning. NC vs Dietrich for 3rd @1 and TTOWN vs STA for Champ @3 #ShoesOn3
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Lots of baseball action in town today - Wooden Bat tourney at THS and two games at TJHS going on right now.
over 7 years ago, William Fritcher
Wooden Bat Tny this Saturday Ttown vs North Clay @9 STA vs Dieterich @11 3rd place @1 Championship @3
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Baseball defeated Neoga last nite to improve to 2-1 Colin Funneman with the win.
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Girl's Golf defeated Mt. Zion last nite Magee 49 Hoene 54 Thoele 55 Niebrugge 57 Vogt 60 and Bishue 63 #ShoesOn3
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
Congrats to Volleyball defeating Salem last night to open the season 1-0 #ShoesOn3
over 7 years ago, Mike Wilson
“Fall Sports Picture Day is Wednesday, August 30th paperwork has been handed out to all athletes”
over 7 years ago, Sharon Roepke
Mrs. Kreke's students love feeding Penny!
over 7 years ago, Angela Sheehan
The newest POPULAR student in 5th Grade! Penny!
over 7 years ago, Angela Sheehan
6th Graders use teamwork to label their continents and oceans. Great Class!
over 7 years ago, Angela Sheehan